Gem ws1 oriental blank display
Gem ws1 oriental blank display

gem ws1 oriental blank display

ACCOMMODATION visitors and permanents, hot baths Tel 8110 MrsĪl J lie Cairo 1 irlimncnt pin. Street BOYIll) ind HI-faIDl NCI vacancj for gentlemen Phone 10001 lind, trim, vv liking distanci cltj_ Superior home beautiful grounds phone tirage rriiatojhnilli 1 ¡J Koojoiig rd_ AT 1 ist Melbourne ~Caso~de Mini" I"! Cippi nil' nimm, ti un nid train C5 Sutleniuid lil IlOOM lloird married coiipk hot baths _.cĬlose 1 rum Irani -Liiçccipublc \ AC YNCY Malvern j)f£_ *rĪ HVVDMh -I aigiPfiiriTQinrTîOOM Y ncanT -c-3*- _as «love coincidences heater near train Irani_Bo Hon st tv con) superior ACCOMMODAI ION close ¡runs traills _ Phone, "WS1 W in Isor _ _ AHM \D M 1"" 0 I rskini St -Large unfurnished lill (IlSt Yincent 1 luce- V YCYN _ CILS for gentlemen etoii to tram nul trihi A M'UISON anl NVNlvIYlIl JT Collina st -ti licollimcnd 110 MID HI SIIJI \CI cltl Bub uib5 I lais lui nisbet! uufiniishcri, ac,cnti Iciding homib Cent COO. Ratid mirsc» miteniltj cm-, a bpeciiHty 11 oui Winds _>1 I _ Nurse \ Tri i i«i u« jim ron A LUI III l'VIlh -Ihkoni uni suirrlc IlOOM _ *._« illl hou il uvirtiim train 4 cn terburj rdj AI Ul liri1. "AIRl' H1~P Y~RK ^DoïïbliTtnmislic PllOOM- suit ?*.»- commercial couple near train, tram 12 Merion crescent, opposite gardens _ A > HI M l> YRk -Ileil furnished neil Sitting -^1- IlOOM (balcon)) al o single overv com euiĪI Bl II r l'VIlK-Private-iTÖSPfT M ~rcTtîn Single, dinlne^oom, convcnienccfi, tram 1ÏL.Ī LUI m 1> Ulli o st \ inccnt Phcc Op Gar -c^*- liens -Y VC. 1 I I VI *e seiperl j sillon hrii e sei eir e lion W_l I "I|I_1S1 II jro I I I | in I _Ĥ, HU I!T 1 Vltls 1 ir li | I ii is e I ntl r -\ IK os s i iiiiu leal nain» | iss li lb V lejorla As_nue_ A"" LRFR1 1 ARK-HAT or «panie - elouble, Iralll-V VCANCH-b elouble bilikle hut baths nlklit porter_ A Lill lir PVlIk -II aullfiills lum «he. Lloor bileons loom ^LpJl ile kiteli^ii 1 bl Mm cut liase_ _^_ ALI1HU TARIs~l Al VCL, llridport st rum HOARD mid RISIDINOI ¡u tooel hei se home cotllforls niiist he ueir station termsĪHURI PVRIs -1 nriirnl he! ROOVIs i,ruui I Tast optional_Hepburn House 12 Collins stĪLlinil PVRIs-Tsso (Its ktntlciiicii resieilre Ladies or olhei ssi«e from Ti/ sseekls lireik Und to shire 1 nnarft terrace 03 Calitirbtlt> lil Middle Park Mr= Neild _ ACCOVlMODAriON tralncel nuises business double single lnri,c eloss list ilr Rooms keuil table iiioelciate butlsJii_e_T_ A~CCOVlV10DAriON t geiTtlcmen singíc loom "JeO 49 Hlzaletli bt - I urnlshed und un furnish«! I LAI'S Houses, null Vpartmontt, nil V VCAhCIUS double anil single bourel op tioiial (S'lllS VV )Ī A - Alhambr i Vgl nc¿ (Viiss Smith) Pliotu _ A-SOUTH i VRRV flint Hill Rhlinsn -ĭouble nnd Single V VC\NC} 2SUi ganlcn, tennis, ganige iioiillis _cosss_ I bone, Wind -OIS

gem ws1 oriental blank display

nislicd HOUVI OJ VlorilJ bt boutll Viel Imurnc. Ne irl-> _ _ -OlsHNCTON, St""lslleli ni hilliards

gem ws1 oriental blank display


SEW I VC M\Clfl\rS 1 \PH VNt I n oi RrnilralĮstimolis fne Cill or wriU Ward Bioi, es tilli-hcd 1888 rrrol_M North MelbourneĮ stimatcs free Call or ss rite Ward Bros, c« ? hiij ft fine SUIT io mrasure foi I ot v »lue tit the« btores no better evi Imec is needed Lan du nnd Amcnevn tonicr 1 isttrn Mirkct > in Melīourne 1 ondon and American blore., eonur ] 'i tem Market_ _ġï\OWV\ TWO SHU I ÏM S is what vour cish t m from one third to two third» lev* thin tiru lu price» Mest made to ordei elollu«. mcneill blore _comcr J nfitern ilarket_ IïlOim TWO Mill UNÍ *. Loudon mil \nicritau M-_ 17\0RT- TWO SHILLINGS - bUlTS to measure JL1 tmdrrsells all competition It will l»»j vou to keep ni touch willi us london and. muiMire -ou tct exactly what von e\pcet wlen wc arc jour tailor. ? Hie best vnlm in Melbourne No rebate 01 irte suiU hut fair trading 1 ondon and Ameritan btorr-í corner 1 istern A!«rl_ct_ _ I^ORT. Josees putt)l must m ike nt the ](.itbt four -elections I ondon and Vmericun btore ( »mel rostern "Market Bourke _t 1 VIH~\ 10RS M II O VV destín" Sks lights

Gem ws1 oriental blank display